This Tuesday, July 14th, CRC is teaming up with Missoula's Sunrise Hub to host a peer support group focused on grounding our activism in love. This is the second installment of our summer mental health series that recognizes the challenges forward-thinking young people may be experiencing in the midst of national and global turmoil. Last session, we focused on honoring grief for the world. We began with a meditation and then did an activity to help us analyze and recognize the subjects of our grief with a calm mind.
This time, we will follow the work we did to honor our pain for the world by recognizing the love that encourages us to feel that pain. While many activists turn to hate, pain, and fear as motivators of their work, we hope to promote love as an alternative source of motivation. Whereas hate can drain and divide us, love can restore and enliven us. Recognizing the love we have for the world can help us to take the pain that we feel for the world's suffering into action that reconnects.
All are welcome to join! In consideration of the pandemic, it will be held online over Zoom:
